About PolyASite
PolyASite was built by Youngbin Moon, Aleksei Mironov, Christina J. Herrmann, Ralf Schmidt, Alexander Kanitz, Panu Artimo, Andreas R. Gruber, Andreas J. Gruber, Manuel Belmadani, and Mihaela Zavolan in the Zavolan Lab.

For questions and suggestions please contact us at: polyasite-biozentrum (at) unibas (dot) ch
If you use PolyASite in your research, please cite the following publications:
Moon, Y. et al. PolyASite v3.0: atlas of polyadenylation sites inferred from single-cell RNA-sequencing data. Manuscript in preparation.
Herrmann, C. J. et al. PolyASite 2.0: a consolidated atlas of polyadenylation sites from 3′ end sequencing. Nucleic Acids Res 48, D174–D179 (2020).
Gruber, A. J. et al. A comprehensive analysis of 3’ end
sequencing data sets reveals novel polyadenylation signals and the repressive
role of heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein C on cleavage and polyadenylation.
Genome Res. 26, 1145–1159 (2016).